Home :: Solomon Schechter Day School
  • As Reform Jews, we were nervous about the religious aspect, but at Schechter, you are free to practice your religion as you see fit. We don't feel different than and we don't feel any pressure to be "more religious". At the same time, we respect those that are more observant than us and love that there is a place for everyone.

    - Jill, Parent
  • Schechter shaped me into the person I am today. All of the teachers really reinforced the idea of respect, love toward Judaism, and being a good person.

    - Maddy, Class of 2014
  • I am a proud alum of Schechter and cannot begin to measure the impact it has had on my life. Unlike any other school, Schechter has a focus on high-level thinking and advanced academic skills that go beyond the classroom, but in daily life.

    - Ben, Alumni and Board Member
  • We are beyond thrilled with the rigorous secular education, the community and the spiritual values our children are being taught.

    - Jill, Parent
  • Each week when I read the Friday newsletter I feel great. It makes me proud of what our school, our students, and our faculty and staff accomplish each and every day.

    - Jessica, Alumni Parent, Board Chairwoman

Schechter Shavua: April 12, 2024

Energy! It can manifest in many different ways, and Schechter’s got plenty of it to go around. It’s Middle Schoolers learning about chemical and electrical energy through experiments with lemons and potatoes. It’s the excited energy of 4th graders as they play tunes on their ukuleles. It’s the loving energy of visitors on Dor l’Dor Day (Generations Day). And it’s the energy of the Jewish community coming together to celebrate Schechter’s connections to Israel and five dedicated women who help facilitate those ties. Plus, read Rabbi Berger’s thoughts on this week’s parashah.


Schechter Shavua: March 29, 2024

How do you create a triangle out of a circle? What do fossils tell us about the Earth’s changing surface? Schechter students investigate these topics and so much more… read all about it in this week’s Schechter Shavua!

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