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Midrash stories in Quran?

Hi guys You know, in Quran there’s a lot of prophet stories -like when Babylonians wanted to burn Abraham- that isn’t in the bible but…


Does Judaism believe in hell? What is the view of the afterlife? And if hell is it eternal torment? Who ends up there? submitted by…

Teach Me

Hey, I’m a Christian and a history nut. Since Judaism and Christianity have the relationship to one another as it does, and Judaism being the…

Jewelry stores supporting Israel?

Are there any online jewelry stories that are supporting Israel that I can support? submitted by /u/Limp_Guest_1568 [link] [comments] Source: Reditt

Kosher ramen. Brick and cup.

If you have been looking for Kosher ramen I highly recommend Ramen Express. Most of the ones I have seen are OU parve. They do…

feeling overwhelmed as a jewish teen

i’m a jewish teen and i have already lost friends due to supporting israel. not only this but i have received threats and people calling…

Jewish fundraising sites?

I am a 69 year old Jewish woman, who up until earlier this year had no problems with paying my bills. I am on social…

Curious Question About Priesthood

I am not Jewish, I had a question about Judaism though. My understanding is the third temple would need priests to do the offerings, rituals,…

As of today, I have a Jewish last name

My dad isn’t Jewish, and I had his last name (it was so Scottish you’d start spontaneously speaking like Peter Capaldi if you didn’t look…

End of Pesach, grade my chometz

We are free from the bread of affliction! Now for the bread of non-affliction. submitted by /u/NonSumQualisEram- [link] [comments] Source: Reditt