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We make the world safer,
because we manufacture
test equipment for the
foundations it stands on.

What we do in 5min.
Piletest CHUM system for crosshole testing

CHUM supports the Crosshole Sonic Logging.
The CSL testing ("Cross-hole sonic logging", "Sonic logging" or "Sonic coring") method for high resolution testing of piles of any diameter and size.

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Piletest PET for pile intgerity testing

PET supports the Pulse-Echo Method (PEM) for pile integrity testing. This pile integrity test method (PIT test, PET "Pulse Echo Testing" or "low strain testing") performs fast pile quality control tests

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Piletest BIT system for inclination testing of borholes and deep pile foundations

Fast and easy inclination test/verticality test measurement of boreholes, wells, and piles. Uses a drilling bucket for borehole inclination test and standard CSL tubes for pile inclination measurement.

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Piletest is the market leader and pioneer in the field of pile integrity testing. We have set the standards for NDT (Non-Destructive Testing) of deep pile foundations. Our expertise extends to PDA pile testing and pile driving analysis, ensuring comprehensive evaluations of pile performance and quality. We are also well-versed in high strain dynamic testing, providing critical insights into the structural integrity and load-bearing capacity of piles.

As a family-owned company, we manage things less formally and directly, keeping transparency and accountability above all. Piletest focuses strictly on developing pile testing systems and does not offer testing services. Piletest is built with a long-term vision, meaning winning customer business loyalty comes first. For that purpose, we are fast on delivery, prompt on service, invest lots of time in development to make things a little simpler to use, and build our products to last with a 3-year warranty as standard. We can offer that because our products withstand extreme heat, vibrations, and water resistance tests before being shipped to our customers. At Piletest, all products come with 10 years of free software upgrades. Piletest’s pile testing equipment is the easiest, most productive, and fastest to operate in the field, as can be read from our customers’ testimonials.

The ease of use know-how is based on our years of fieldwork before designing our equipment and the continuous integration of customer feedback.

We are celebrating 27 years of delivering the finest products in the market.

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Piletest worldwide support

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PET for Android: 1000 installs,    â˜…★★★★ rating 
New ASTM standard for inclination – Piletest is the technical contact

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