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Related : Jewish Education : Judaism |
MyJewishLearning | is a comprehensive and interactive Jewish learning resource for unaffiliated individuals and Jewish organization members that presents objective and authoritative information from a wide variety of Jewish perspectives. The content is presented in a multi-layered Guided Learning structure, and includes Discussion areas and other tools for registered users to share with their peers, all for free. launched on Nov. 19, 2002 / Hanukkah 5763 with major support from philanthropists Edgar M. Bronfman and Lynn Schusterman. | |
NISHMA is an international Torah research, resource and educational endeavour devoted to the further development of "a wise and understanding people." NISHMA is distinguished by it commitment to the presentation of the Halachic spectrum, its fostering of individual inquiry and its devotion to the critical investigation of contemporary issues. | |
Nishmat - The Jerusalem Center for Advanced Jewish Study for Women |
Nishmat, a woman's learning community infused with Torah values, is remarkable for its emphasis on open inquiry and vigorous textual study. Whether a student enrolls to pursue her own personal growth or as preparation for a career in Jewish life, Nishmat provides learning opportunities that range from beginners to the most advanced level available to women anywhere in the world. | |
Nishmat Women's Jewish Halachic Website |
Nishmat developed and administers the website as a public service for the Jewish community. Over one hundred articles and five hundred FAQs provide sophisticated, detailed, halachically and medically accurate information on every aspect of the laws of niddah and their interaction with modern medicine and modern life. The site enables women to review what they learned as kallot and to grow in knowledge and observance. | |
Ohr Somayach |
Ohr Somayach's "Ohrnet" has Stories, Yiddle Riddles, Cartoons, Jewish Holidays, IQ games, Weekly Torah Portion, Ask the Rabbi, Top ten lists. Always fun and educational. And our site is updated every week! OhrNet is Ohr Somayach's internet site. | |
Page by Page in Jewish History |
This project is now, Baruch HaShem, completing its NINTH year of publication in Hebrew. On these pages, known affectionately as the DAF, which are published daily, we review events, which occurred throughout history, and are relevant to the Jewish people, according to the Hebrew date of the same day. Eight months into the English version, we feel a great sense of accomplishment, on the one hand, and, on the other, a grave responsibility to our readers to be accurate, and to nurture interest in our Jewish heritage: Am Yisrael, Eretz Yisrael, and Torat Yisrael. | |
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