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Menahel Synagogue and Charity Membership |
Welcome to Menahel for Synagogue and Charity Membership software. We have been growing software for years. We have products that are perfect for your organisation to jump start the growth of your community or your charitable organisation and facilitate seamless organisation and management. For the sake of your community and your staff - get into Menahel now! | |
Migdal-online |
International Jewish Community Center "Migdal" in the Net. Any registered user may send his news and articles, take part in discussions, polls and chat. The site is growing constantly. The site is in Russian language only. | |
Minyan Shaleym |
Minyan Shaleym is an independent, traditional egalitarian minyan based in Brookline, Massachusetts that meets every Shabbat morning, as well as for Jewish holidays, life cycle events, and other communal activities. | |
Ohel Ayalah |
Ohel Ayalah is a new minyan (prayer group), meeting in September 2004 for the first time. Ohel Ayalah reaches out to young Jews in their twenties and thirties, to secular Israelis and Russians, and to anyone who is searching for a welcoming experience. | |
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