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Related : Jewish Education : Jewish Learning : Orthodox Judaism |
Yeshivot |
Hadar Hatorah Yeshiva |
Hadar Hatorah, the world's first yeshivah for Jewish men with
little or no formal background in Jewish knowledge or practice,
was founded in 1963. Without complexity, without conditions,
Hadar Hatorah's dedicated staff educates, uplifts, and inspires.
For those who wish to learn more. And for those who want to
come a little bit closer. | |
Hebrew Theological College |
Hebrew Theological College consists of the Oscar Z. Fasman High School, Bet Midrash program for training rabbis, college programs for men, Blitstein Teachers Institute for Women and community programs. | |
Kehillas Torah |
Kehillas Torah is a proud affiliate of Rabbinical Seminary of America (Yeshiva Chofetz Chaim), Forest Hills, New York, and carries on the Yeshiva's long standing tradition of iyun (in-depth analysis), harbotzas Torah (dissemination of Torah) and Slobodka Mussar (ethical introspection and character development). | |
Mechinat Avnei Eitan |
Mechinot are a new generation of yeshivot in Israel that are dedicated to preparing young men to successfully meet the challenges that face the believing man who lives as a full citizen of his country, and participates fully in the modern world. There are over 30 mechinot located throughout the country, and they are renowned for having provided a positive turning point in the lives of many Israelis. | |
Midreshet B'erot Bat Ayin |
Midreshet B'erot Bat Ayin, "Wellsprings of Jewish Learning," is a midrasha for Jewish women and conversion candidates who seek to delve deeply into their soul through intensive textual study and creative expression. B'erot integrates expansive renewal with sincere commitment to Judaism, all within the parameters of Halacha. | |
Netsach |
Even though these boys were brought up davening three times a day, some have never had a heart to heart talk with their Creator; suddenly now they can. Netsach is for sharing of ones self, saying no to peer pressure, and developing an appreciation of Torah and being a religious Jew. | |
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