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Related : Jewish Education : Jewish Learning : Orthodox Judaism |
Yeshivot |
Yeshivat Chovevei Torah |
Yeshivat Chovevei Torah is a Modern Orthodox yeshiva offering chavruta learning and classes for students studying at secular universities.
Our current main campus is the Congregation Ramath Orah Campus, located near Columbia and Barnard Universities.
Starting Fall 2000, we hope to also have branches at New York University and University of Pennsylvania.
We are starting a smicha program in Fall 2000 at our CRO Campus.
Audio Daf Yomi is available at the site, with more audio classes to be added come Fall 2000. | |
Yeshivat Dvar Yerushalayim |
Yeshivat Dvar Yerushalayim in Jerusalem was the fist 'baal teshuvah' yeshivah. It is still going strong after almost 35 years! This site gives you information about programmes and application procedures. "Next Year In Jerusalem!" | |
Yeshivat Otniel |
Beit Va'ad Har Hevron located in Otniel was established in 1987 with the intention of building a yeshiva where the heart and intellect converge; a place where each student can fully express every aspect of his personality, where the pleasure of discovery, creativity, and the joy of serving God flow from the pages of the Gemara. | |
Yeshivat Sha'arei Mevaseret Zion |
At Sha'arei Mevaseret, one of our primary goals is for our students to develop a strong love for, and bond with, the Land of Israel. Many of our shiurim are taught in Hebrew, and the presence in the Beit Midrash of, and chavrutot with Israeli members of the Meretz Kollel give our students exposure to Israeli society.
Tiyulim and Shabbatonim are instructive, educational and inspirational. We also encourage our talmidim to be involved with various chesed projects during their free time, which gives them an additional connection to Israel. | |
YM/YWHA of Washington Heights |
The YM/YWHA of Washington Heights and Inwood at 54 Nagle Avenue in Washington Heights offers classes and after-school programs for yeshiva students of all ages. We also offer fun and exciting trips for all school-age children when yeshivas are closed during Pre-Yontif/Chol Hamoed and Isru Chag. Boys and girls are grouped separately. We also have an extensive and newly updated cardio and weight rooms, beautiful airy gym and exciting game room for Fitness Members. Separate men and women's hours throughout the week. Stop by for a free tour! | |
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