History, Jewish antiques and creativity join together for a unique online display of Jewish History for Congregation Kol Emeth in Palo Alto, California
The web site of the Jewish Radical Education Project (J-REP), a non-profit organization dedicated to the dissemination of a strictly secular, positive view of Jewish history, culture and identity. Country or state: New York, NY USA
Sightseeing in Jewish Italy
All over Italy we organize private tours which will reveal the connections of the Jewish world to the beautiful country of Italy, including its art, history and religious, using Jewish, Christian and Pagan resources. Any personalised request can be dealt.
Jews in Italy ( jii ) is a cultural association with Israeli and Italian founders.
History of the Jews, like those of other people, is cloaked in the guise of metaphors, legends and myths. In some instances the mythological encounters have replaced the historic events. The underlying purpose of writing this book was to learn which portions of Jewish history are based on documented anthropological evidence and which parts originated from mythology.