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Jewish Women & Feminism |
Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance |
The mission of the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance is to expand the spiritual, ritual, intellectual and political opportunities for women within the framework of halakha. We advocate meaningful participation and equality for women in family life, synagogues, houses of learning and Jewish communal organizations to the full extent possible within halakha. | |
Jewish Woman Magazine |
Jewish Woman magazine, both in print and online, is a celebration of Jewish women and the values that shape our personal and professional lives. Spanning generations and affiliations, the magazine provides provocative, entertaining, and timely articles central to Jewish women's lives. | |
Jewish Women International |
Jewish Women International strengthens the lives of women, children and families through education, advocacy and action. Focusing on family violence and the emotional health of children, JWI serves as an agent for change--locally, nationally and around the world. | |
Jewish Women of Today |
So just what exactly do you view as the role of Jewish Women today? Do you feel this is different if you come from a reform, or orthodox background? Has the pre-conceived view of the woman's role on Judaism become disbanded? Voice your view! If you want to find out more information about the role of Women in Judaism, go to the links page. | |
Jewish Women's Archive |
Celebrations of Jewish Women are quickly becoming a regular feature of national Women's History Month in March. The Jewish Women's Archive has developed an interactive and innovative online exhibit focusing on the lives of three Jewish women. | |
Jewish Women's Health |
Our website assists physicians treating women who observe taharat hamishpacha. Developed by Nishmat, is under the halachic supervision of Rabbi Yehuda Henkin and the medical supervision of Dr. Deena Zimmerman.
Nishmat developed and administers the website as a public service. We provide sophisticated, detailed, halachically and medically accurate information on every aspect of the laws of niddah and their interaction with modern medicine. | |
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