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Jewish Women & Feminism |
MaTaN - The Sadie Rennert Women’s Institute for Torah Studies |
The Sadie Rennert Women’s Institute for Torah Studies is a Jerusalem based nonprofit organization, dedicated to furthering Jewish studies for women (and men) of diverse backgrounds. Our approach to Jewish studies can be summarized as dedication to and love of Torah study for it’s own sake limud Torah lishma utilizing both traditional and academic tools and resources. | |
Mevo Satum |
Mevo Satum is a non-profit, entirely voluntary organization dedicated to alleviating the plight of agunot and women denied a religious divorce by their husbands. The organization is Jerusalem based, and was founded by Ms. Leah Ain Globe, in 1996. | |
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A beautiful, classy and informative site, including a Global Mikvah Directory, Mikvah Mall, Mikvah Tour, Speakers Bureau, and countless articles, anthologies, etc on Taharas Hamishpacha, Family Purity. | |
NA'AMAT Israel |
NA'AMAT Israel is: A socio-political women's movement: Providing social and educational services for the family, 23,000 Children in 330 Day Care Centers, 4,400 Adolescents in 15 High Schools, 2 Residential High Schools and 10 High Schools in the Arab Sector, 300 Recipients of Higher Education Scholarship Stipends, 150 Women in Professional Training Programs, Protecting women's rights in the home, the work place, and in the courts, Eliminating violence against women. | |
Na'amat USA |
NA'AMAT, Hebrew acronym for "Movement of Working Women and Volunteers," is an organization & a movement striving to enhance the quality of life for women, children and families in Israel, the U.S. and around the world. NA'AMAT women act locally, nationally and globally in 16 countries. We are united in belief and in action around issues ranging from religious pluralism to an improvement in the status of women at home and in the workplace, from child well-being to peace in the Middle East, from the ability of single parents and new immigrants to build a life for themselves to the end of domestic violence. We help women, and we help women help themselves. | |
National Council of Jewish Women of Canada |
National Council of Jewish Women of Canada, Toronto Section, is a non-profit, volunteer service organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of individuals in our community through identifying community needs. We provide the leadership, energy and financial resources, while creating new projects to meet future challenges through a program of Research, Education, Advocacy and Community Service. | |
Nisan Young Women Leaders |
Nisan Young Women Leaders is the only organization dedicated to the advancement of young women in Israel. Nisan's innovative programs develop the leadership potential of Jewish and Arab Israeli young women. | |
Nishmat - The Jerusalem Center for Advanced Jewish Study for Women |
Nishmat, a woman's learning community infused with Torah values, is remarkable for its emphasis on open inquiry and vigorous textual study. Whether a student enrolls to pursue her own personal growth or as preparation for a career in Jewish life, Nishmat provides learning opportunities that range from beginners to the most advanced level available to women anywhere in the world. | |
Nishmat Women's Jewish Halachic Website |
Nishmat developed and administers the website as a public service for the Jewish community. Over one hundred articles and five hundred FAQs provide sophisticated, detailed, halachically and medically accurate information on every aspect of the laws of niddah and their interaction with modern medicine and modern life. The site enables women to review what they learned as kallot and to grow in knowledge and observance. | |
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