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Jewish Reform Communities |
Kehilat Kol HaNeshama |
Founded more than twelve years ago and consisting of nearly 400 members, Kehilat Kol HaNeshama is an independent congregation affiliated with the Israeli Movement for Progressive Judaism (Reform), located in the heart of Jerusalem's Baka neighborhood. Under the spiritual leadership of Rabbi Levi Weiman-Kelman, the founder of the congregation, Kol Haneshama has a thriving synagogue, a large pre-school, an active youth movement and adult education program, and numerous social action projects and cultural programs. | |
Kibbutz Lotan |
This site is the description of a young, dynamic Refom Jewish Commmunity, attempting to live out a Reform Zionist ideology in the Southern Arava desert in Israel. Kibbutz Lotan tries to create a community based on equality between the sexes, at work and with each other thru genuine communication. In addition Lotan is trying to create an ecological lifestyle, compatible with our enviroment. "It is not for you to finish the task - nor are you free to desist from it." | |
Kibbutz Yahel |
Kibbutz Yahel, the first Reform Kibbutz situated in the south of Israel. Ma'ayan bamidbar is it's tourist centre, offering tours of the desert, seminar centre, and holiday homes. Desert Vegetables is a Company exporting fresh agricultural produce grown on the kibbutz and in the region, to Britain (supplier to Tesco, Safeway, Sainsbury supermarkets) and to other countries in Europe. A Desert Oasis. | |
Liberaal Joodse Gementen in Nederland |
The Homepage of the Liberal Jewish Movement in The Netherlands gives you the links to all our congregations and organisations. The Union is an active member of the World Union for Progressive Judaism. The Services are of a more traditional style than most Reform and Liberal services in other countries, as is the overall approach to tradition. Still, the LJG-Movement feels fully a part of the World Reform Movement. | |
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