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Related : Jewish Communities & Synagogues |
Jewish Orthodox Communities |
Synagogue of the Suburban Torah Center |
The Synagogue of the Suburban Torah Center is a Modern Orthodox synagogue situated in beautiful Livingston, NJ. The synagogue currently has approximately 225 member families and is an active and vibrant community. There is a nursery school, mikvah and outstanding youth program associated with our synagogue. | |
Tempio dei Giovani, Roma, Italia |
Tempio dei Giovani in Rome: a thriving community of young and older people in the center of Rome, where visitors from throughout the Jewish world find a warm and friendly environment to spend a pleasant Shabbos or Yom Tov and make acquaintance with the oldest kehila of the Western world. | |
The Death of Rabbi Rabinowitz |
The story of the murder of Rabbi Philip Rabinowitz, zt'l, and the feeling of loss by the members of his synagogue, Kesher Israel Congregation, and by the greater Washington, D.C., Jewish community. Originally published in the Baltimore Jewish Times in 1984 under the title "A Congregation in Mourning." | |
The Late Late Minyan |
The Late Late Minyan services take place in the heart of Old Katamon in Jerusalem. The address of the shul where we daven shacharit is 4 Rechov HaShayarot (sandwiched in between Rechov HaLamed Heh and Rechov HaPalmach). Click [here] for map. Our tfillot start at 9:45 a.m. in the summer and 9:30 a.m. in the winter. Get there early or you won’t get a seat! Our congregation is predominately Anglo, but as well as Britain, Australia, North America, South Africa and Canada, we also have representatives from Uruguay, Scandinavia, Holland, France, Denmark, Italy, Switzerland, Peru and of course Israel. (I’ve probably left out a few nationalities – my apologies). | |
The Westwood Kehilla |
The Westwood Kehilla is a vital Jewish community centered in Westwood, in Los Angeles, California. A modern Orthodox congregation with about 70 families, the Westwood Kehilla during a typical week, hosts several hundred scholars and students of all ages share in our active learning programs. We also offer free counseling, special events, and services in a warm and welcoming atmosphere.
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