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Mercokosher |
kosher directory and certification for south america in spanish.
Sitio de supervisacion kosher en sud america en espaniol.
Rabbi Libersohn, Agudat Israel of Argentina | |
Or Haner |
Or Haner is a Jewish Leadership youth organization for Teenagers from Central and South America, based in NYC and Baltimore. We run Jewish-Spanish teen leadership seminars throughout the western hemisphere, and a summer camp in the United states. | |
Or Torah |
Or torah is a very active sephardi congregation in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It's a beautiful synagogue, with an orthodox community of syrian origin. You can find our history, photos, the weekly parasha and more information about this great argentinian community. | |
Popular Jewish Choir |
The Choir was created in 1995 in Buenos Aires, Argentina and it's integrated for 175 singers between women and men.
Inside the site you can find the complete Choir history, songs, pictures and many others interesting things. | |
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