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Jewish Gays & Lesbians |
Congregation Beth Simchat Torah |
Congregation Beth Simchat Torah is a synagogue serving primarily New York's gay and lesbian Jewish community. Now in it's 26th year, it is the largest gay and lesbian congregation in the world. Under the spiritual leadership of Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum, CBST provides a wide range of religious, educational and social services to its members and the broader community throughout the year. | |
Congregation Etz Chaim |
A spiritual home for Gay and Lesbian Jews in south Florida whose mission is: "To provide a nurturing environment for Gay and Lesbian Jews with Spiritual, Social, and Educational support that empowers and enhances the quality of members' lives and the community as a whole." | |
Congregation Sha'ar Zahav |
Congregation Sha'ar Zahav is a progressive Reform synagogue, established in 1977. We are a vibrant kehilla (community) in the San Francisco Bay Area for people of all sexual identities. We are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and heterosexual Jews, together with lovers, family and friends, both Jewish and non-Jewish. We come from a wide range of religious, ethnic, class and cultural backgrounds to worship God with egalitarian, feminist and gay-positive liturgy. | |
Frum Gay Jews |
Connections with and resources for frum gay Jews, including the Gay and Lesbian Yeshiva and Day School Alumni Association, which meets monthly in New York City, and FrumGays, an on-line discussion list. | |
GayJews.Org |
GayJews.Org is dedicated to providing up to date, accurate information for orthodox Jews who are gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered. We have lot's of our own material as wel as links to other Orthodox GLBT content on the web. | |
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