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Ta Shma |
Jerusalem-based organization offering programs which explore Jewish texts, thought, art and spiritual life from a uniquely pluralist perspective. | |
Tehillim Insights |
This site is dedicated to learning about Tehillim, and improving our prayer techniques. Take a look around at the Tehillim related subject material, such as: Articles, Commenteries, Psalm Translations, Stories, and Quotes, etc | |
Tehillim Insights |
This site is dedicated to learning about Tehillim, and improving our prayer techniques. There is also a section where you can submit names of people who need Tehillim said for them. Also, you can take a look around at the Tehillim related subject material, such as: Articles, Commenteries, Psalm Translations, Stories, Quotes, and more! | |
Tekiah |
Tekiah is a teaching center dedicated to the awakening of a spiritually conscious Judaism. Classes are designed to facilitate personal growth for modern, liberal Jews through the spiritual and mystical ideals of Judaism. | |
The Halacha B'rura Institute |
Finishing the work begun by Rav Kook zt"l, elucidating Jewish law fromit's talmudic sources and commentaries, the Institute publishes a newedition of the Talmud uniquely combining and reuniting the studies of Halacha & Gemorah. Thousands have purchased these volumes - scholars for use in Hesder Yeshivot, advanced Yeshivot, Yeshiva High School students, Batei Midrash of Bar Ilan University, Yeshiva University and other Talmudic research institutes, such as the Talmudic Encyclopedia. | |
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