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Related : Jewish Education : Judaism |
The Jewish Game website |
Jewish educational puzzles originally covering general topics like the Bible,Israel,Jewish history,festivals,and Jewish laws and values. Recently specializing in the Holocaust, Israel's Wars and Festivals.Ideal for testing your own Jewish general knowledge, or for adult study groups or high school Jewish Studies classes. NO CHARGE | |
The Mimounia |
Maimonides and his son Abraham have clearly resumed the way of spiritual transformation which leads to the meeting, the bond with God. The election and the role of a spiritual master, the inventory of the actions, the recollection of the name of God, the meditation and the spiritual retreat are the tools to progress on this path. | |
The Shalom Center |
The Shalom Center, founded in 1983, brings Jewish
spirituality, tradition, and experience to bear on issues of tikkun olam — pursuing peace, seeking justice, healing the earth, and building community. | |
The Shalom Heritage Center |
The Shalom Heritage Center is dedicated to providing Jews throughout central New Jersey of every background and level of Jewish education with an opportunity to explore their heritage through a wide variety of programs, classes, and events conducted in a warm, comfortable and open-minded setting. | |
The TorahScrolls |
Dedicated to teaching the richness of Torah study, the wealth of information contained in the commandments, the stories, the words, the letters themselves, and even in the act of study. | |
The Virtual Jewish University |
Bar-Ilan University's "Virtual Jewish University" (VJU) is the hottest, newest Jewish studies program on the Internet. The VJU offers anybody,
anywhere, full undergraduate college credit for academic study, transferable to universities of distinction around the world. The fall
1999 semester -- offering six English-language on-line courses such as War and Peace in the Bible, Jerusalem Throughout the Ages, and An Intro to Jewish Music' -- opens October 4. | |
Torah Education at Cherry Hill |
Founded by Rabbi Mordechai Rhine, is a portal for Torah Education at Cherry Hill and provides both Essays on Jewish thought as well as information about torah learning opportunities in the Cherry Hill, NJ community. | |
Torah from Terror - The Rabbinic Response to 9/11 |
Rabbi Neil Gillman and rabbinical student Jason Miller have collected over 100 of the sermons delivered in the days immediately following September 11 by rabbis of different denominations, and have published them on a website. You are invited to explore these Divrei Torah (words of Torah). Sermons by such notable rabbis and speakers as David Wolpe, Brad Artson, Paul Yedwab, Debra Orenstein, and others. | |
Torah Light |
Dedicated to the dissemination of unadulterated Torah True Judaism. Topics range from Halacha, the Mikdash to Lashon Ha Kodesh. Torah Light is an open forum that encourages open and honest discussion on a variety of Jewish Topics. | |
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