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Related : Jewish Education : Judaism |
| it is written |
Many of the Hebrew prayers are transliterated line by line, and the transliterated line is translated literally word by word. Quirks of Hebrew are explained in the footnotes and notes. This site allows people with no knowledge of Hebrew to say the prayers, and a few songs and psalms, and to know what they are saying as they say it. Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform sections. | |
KNeidlach |
a platform designed to unite worldwide Jewry (WWJ),offering the community an entertaining comprehensive network including a communication centre, services, information and products.
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Kol Zimra with Rabbi Shefa Gold |
Kol Zimra: Chant Leader's Training - A Two-Year Training Program led by Rabbi Shefa Gold & Rachmiel O'Regan assisted by Rabbi Phyllis Berman. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR: Rabbis, Cantors and Lay Leaders, MeditationTeachers, Rosh Chodesh Leaders, Healers, Prayer Leaders, Support Group Facilitators and Artists of Ritual. | |
Lekarev |
The mission of Lekarev is to publish accurate and timely information about Israel, to promote Jewish learning through Torah commentaries and features/articles on Jewish subjects, and to raise support for verified worthy causes in the land of Israel. | |
Levisson Instituut |
The Levisson Institute for the training of Rabbis and leadership for the Dutch (Liberal) Jewish community. It is situated in Amsterdam, the Netherlands started in August 2003. Classes are given in Dutch and Hebrew. | |
Limmud |
Limmud - the community of learning. Limmud is reknowned for its annual conference - a veritable festival of learning. Find out more about our opportunities for year-round life-long learning... | |
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