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Jewish Film |
The National Center for Jewish Film |
The National Center for Jewish Film (NCJF) is a non-profit motion picture archive, distributor, and resource center housing the largest, most comprehensive collection of Jewish-themed film and video in the world. NCJF's ongoing mission is to gather, preserve, and catalogue films with artistic and educational value relevant to the Jewish experience, disseminating these materials to the widest possible audience. | |
The Sylvia Suckerman Jewish Video Collection aka Video Judaica |
Video Judaica is the nation's year around Jewish film festival featuring more than 1,700 films of Jewish interest on video. The Collection includes theatrical features, documentaries, educational docudramas, foriegn films, a large selection of children's and family entertainment, comedies cable features, American Yiddish cinema, films from Israel and TV movies. Video Judaica operates as a video rental store via the U.S. mail or FedEx and UPS. Our services include, but are not limited to renting videos and locating any film on video you would like to purchase. We are a non-profit national resource for educational and entertainment video media. | |
Toronto Jewish Film Festival |
Since its inception in 1993, the Toronto Jewish Film Festival has become one of the largest Jewish film festivals in the world. In addition to the annual festival, there are also year-round special film presentations, including pre-release screenings. It's a great place to schmooze and fill up on Jewish culture, in a city with a large, diverse Jewish population. | |
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