This memoir chronicles the author's growing up in post-war Europe with parents who were Holocaust survivors, immigrating to the US, serving in the military, working on campaigns and causes, and overall becoming a politically engaged American. His life experiences and political development revolve around his fundamentally Jewish values.
Belzec extermination camp, the model in the 'Aktion Reinhard' murder program, started as a labor camp in April 1940. It is estimated that about 600,000 Jews were murdered at Belzec and probably dozen thousands of Gypsies.
Experience a slice of Hungarian Jewish history and tradition in this unfolding story of undeterred faith in Divine guidance. Weekly updates delivered by email and on website.
Business and the Holocaust (from Stock Maven) provides information leading up to the Holocaust showing major ties between corporations and the early Nazi movement. Articles and book excerpts, historical and recent news media reports, war crimes trial transcripts, government and organization resources.
The Cape Town Holocaust Centre is the first and only Holocaust Centre to be established in Africa. The Centre serves as a place of remembrance for the victims of the Holocaust and by addressing the ethical, moral and historical dimensions, aims to combat antisemitism and all forms of prejudice and discrimination. The Centre includes a permanent exhibition. The main focus of the Centre's activities is an education programme for high school pupils and their teachers.